高级游戏开发 课程


了解主要的CG制作工具,如Maya、3D Max
介绍各个脚本语言,如Mel Scripts,Max Scripts,C++,JavaScript, Direct X等
掌握3D游戏编程、基本数学、如向量(Vector)、矩阵(Matrix)、Direct3D渲染基础、Direct3D绘图、顔色、灯光、Stenciling蒙版、Direct 3D库、地形渲染、粒子系统、高级贴图、视窗编程
Foundational Modules:
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Module Name
Introduction to Video Game Development
Introduces the students to the world of video game development and production.
Elements of Game Systems
Introductory module to the different subsystems contained in a computer game.
Modeling and Art Tools for Game Production
Introduces the modeling and art tools commonly used to create game assets and artwork.
The software tools include 3DS Max, Maya, Photoshop, ZBrush and BodyPainter.
Game Programming Tools & Technologies
Introduces the programming tools and technology used in game development.
The software tools include Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, NVidia FX Composer, Direct3D, HLSL and XNA.
Principles of 3D Mathematics for Games
Foundation module in basic 3D mathematics concepts and equations utilized in games.
Principles of Computer Graphics
Foundation module in basic computer graphics concepts and techniques utilized in games.
Advanced Game Programming Modules:
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Module Name
Advanced 3D Mathematics for Games
This module extends on the students’ knowledge gained from the module F3DM: Principles of 3D Mathematics.
Advanced 3D mathematics and how to apply these mathematical concepts in computer games are taught in this module.
This module extends on the students’ knowledge gained from the module FPCG: Principles of Computer Graphics.
Students will be taught key advanced CG techniques as well as important tools and technologies like Direct3D and GPU programming using HLSL.
Game Physics
Interactions between objects in the virtual game world are often modeled after real-life physical interactions.
Students will be taught Newtonian physics and the mathematics involved in resolving collision detection/response. Students will be also taught the application of these key theories to create realistic motion in computer games.
Game Animation
Teaches students in techniques required to create animations of objects and characters in games.
Game Scene Management
This is an advanced module that teaches students how to manage the problems of a complex virtual game world.
Game AI
The module focuses on teaching key AI techniques used in computer games and its specific uses. Students will study several important AI techniques and how to apply it to game design and development.
Multiplayer & Networking
Multiplayer and networked games are common features in many modern games.
The module teaches the issues involved in the development of these features and the techniques that can be applied to resolve them.
Sound Effects & Music for Games
Sound effects and music helps to make computer games more immersive and engaging.
In this module, students will be exposed to the practical knowledge of how to include music and sound effects in games. Students will get the opportunity to apply basic sound effects in computer games.
Multithreading & Parallel Processing
With the advent of multi-core processors and the new generation of video game consoles like Microsoft Xbox and Sony Playstation, game developers have to embrace multi-threading and parallel processing in order to develop games on these advanced platforms.
This module teaches the key multi-threading and parallel processing concepts. Students will also be introduced to the architectures of the next-generation video game consoles.
Game Design & Production Modules:
Module Code
Module Name
Building the Game Team
This is an exercise in creating a small game development team.
Students will be exposed to team dynamics and how to create the right mix of talents for the game team.
Game Design
This is an exercise in designing a new game.
Students will be guided to create interesting game mechanics or gameplay as well as to consider design issues like creating the “fun” factor and addictiveness to the game that they will develop.
Game Production
This is an exercise in setting up the game production pipeline.
Game production techniques will be taught to students to help them manage the production process of their game projects.
Game Development
This is an exercise in the actual development of the student’s game title.
The instructors will be mentoring the students during the actual game development process.

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