Accredited Academic Programs
The DECT Global Series - Academic Program is a set of accredited programs for those who have completed their K-12 learning path to acquire substantial certifications for their digital economy skills. Empowered by the DECT Partnership Scheme, we work closely with Universities and Higher Education institutions to launch DECT Institutes around the world, supporting our various Diploma, Higher Diploma, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate programs spanning 40+ DECT learning areas.

Dual certification upon graduation
Dual quality assurance standards
Whether working with self-accredited partners or partnering institutions that comply with their respective national accreditation standards, Krystal Institute diligently and rigorously adheres to the quality assurance mechanisms set forth by our academic partners. In Hong Kong, we work closely with partners to structure our program designs according to requirements of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). Internationally, we work with awarding bodies such as under the United Kingdom’s The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) to deploy global programs. At the same time, Krystal Institute’s internal Continuous Improvement and Review (CIR) program ensures that curriculum, instructor, and delivery standards are suitable for digital skills education, resulting in a reinforced pedagogical excellence.
Dual certification upon graduation
Compliance with national standards allows our program graduates to be awarded with accredited certifications upon completion of the Diplomas and Degrees under the Academic Program. Furthermore, the Krystal Qualification Framework, which specializes in testing the digital readiness level of our students, grants an additional method of accreditation that guarantees a learner’s level of achievement. By following the learning pathway proposed by Krystal QF, students can embark on a lifelong learning journey and continuously upgrade their skills as the world of technology evolves.
Rigorous instructor and curriculum delivery requirements
Quality assurance mechanisms designed by national awarding bodies, as well as those put in place by Krystal Institute’s CIR program, ensure that instructors and delivery of curricula are up to par with DECT standards. In terms of DECT competency, we mandate that instructors attain at least one digital readiness level above the level of teaching; we also require additional pedagogical training specific to technology education, as part of our Train-the-Trainer protocol.

我们专有的网上学习平台,并与免费的创意和生产工具无缝协作,为 DECT 教育即时提供作业和学习材料管理、远端协作、分析等功能,满足不同使用者的学术及管理需求。

培训专业教师计划是维持数谱生态系统的基石。这是一个可扩展的专业发展模式,当中全面的 DECT 内容和学习管理系统可分别为教师提供相关支持。

学生展才计划为学生提供在全球数字经济中不可或缺的知识、技能和工具, 有助学生掌握在未来世界中出类拔萃的生存技能,脱颖而出。

Krystal OTP 包含所有办公室软件,有效提升日常工作效率和减轻营运成本,为当今多元化 的业务营运需求提供了完善解决方案。

一项综合计划,旨在为个人 和公⺠提供必要的数字能力和软技能,以便在数字经济中生存。为了在数字时代保持竞争力和繁荣,各国需要为其公⺠提供必要的知识、技能和工具。