(III) Calc For Beginners

Krystal Office+ includes all the office software needed to enhance daily productivity and reduce operational costs. Krystal Office+ provides a complete solution for today's diverse business needs.
This course will focus on the basics of Krystal Calc. Students will learn the basic operations of Krystal Calc, including basic cell-related operations, functions and formulas, pivot tables, and more.
(Course structure are shown as below.
Krystal Write (Word processing)
- Lesson 1: Meeting minutes 會議記錄
- Lesson 2: Proposal 計劃書
- Lesson 3: Employee Handbook 員工手冊
- Lesson 4: Application Form 申請表格
- Lesson 5: Letter with cover 信封及信函
In the module, students are going to learn about the basic operations of Write, including wizards, styles and layouts, styled tools, ordered list, headers and footers, footnote, content page, printing settings, reference settings, how to insert Write into Calc spreadsheet, making PDF table and using extensions.
Krystal Present (Presentation)
- Lesson 1: Basic operation in Krystal Present 了解簡報及基本操作
- Lesson 2: Getting familiar with the layout design in Present and media applications 熟悉投影片的版面設計
- Lesson 3: Layout design using slide master 熟悉投影片母片的使用
- Lesson 4: Charts and graphs in Present 簡報中的表格及圖表
- Lesson 5: Animation effects 動畫效果
In the module, students are going to learn about the basic operations in Present, including layout and interface settings, inserting media (photos, videos, hyperlink, and audio), footers and footnote, slide master, charts and graphs, and different animation effects for texts, photos, and slides.
Besides, students can get familiar with the operation through case study in class.
Krystal Calc (Spreadsheet)
- Lesson 1: Basic operation in Krystal Calc 了解試算表及基本操作
- Lesson 2: Sorting data 數據整理
- Lesson 3: General settings 一般設定
- Lesson 4: Data arrangement 資料整理
- Lesson 5: Fundamentals of functions and formulas 函數與公式基礎
- Lesson 6: Advanced functions 函數進階
- Lesson 7: Formatting Data 格式化數據
- Lesson 8: (not confirmed)
In the module, students are going to learn about the basic operations in Calc, including cells and general settings, cell formats, functions and formulas, VLOOPUP, Pivot table, and how to build and edit the cell table.
Krystal Photo Editor (Graphic tools)
- Lesson 1: Stacking photos 堆疊相片
- Lesson 2: Simple composite image 簡單的合成圖片
- Lesson 3: Photo retouching 人像修飾
- Lesson 4: Photo editing 相片調色
- Lesson 5: Text effects 文字特效
- Lesson 6: Composite text 文字合成圖片
- Lesson 7: Blurring effects 模糊特效
In the module, students are going to learn about the basic operations in Krystal Photo Editor, including the layers, saving formats, editing tools, filters, brushes, texts and so on.
Krystal Graphic Tools (Graphic tools)
- Lesson 1: Mood Board 情緒板製作
- Lesson 2: Basic graphic shapes 基本圖形製作
- Lesson 3: Making Logo using image trace 使用image trace製作標誌
- Lesson 4: Deco logo design 裝飾標誌設計
- Lesson 5: Warp Text design 彎曲文字設計
In the module, students are going to learn about the basic operations in Krystal Graphic Tools, including interface settings, digital image concepts, basic design concepts, layers, editing tools, palette, image tracing, object to part function, boolean function, and path effect editor.
Krystal Film Editor (Video editing)
- Lesson 1: Creating the Shortcut file and simple video 創建快捷方式文件和簡單視頻
- Lesson 2: Creating the transition between footage video 創建素材視頻之間的過渡
- Lesson 3: Creating a video with time stretch and sound 創建具有 time stretch 和聲音的視頻
- Lesson 4: Adding effect and title in a video 在視頻中添加效果和標題
- Lesson 5: Green screen footage 綠屏鏡頭
In the module, students are going to learn about the basic operations in Krystal Film Editor, including timeline, footage imports and export settings, video editing techniques, transitions, filters, audio and video effects, proxy, time stretch, texts, chrome key, keyframes, and green screen.)
Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the basic operations of the Calc software
2. Learn how to build and edit the cell table
3. Grasp functions and formulas

我們專有的網上學習平台,並與免費的創意和生產 工具無縫協作,為 DECT 教育即時提供作業和學習材料管理、遠端協作、分析等功能,滿足不同使用者的學術及管理需求。

培訓專業教師計劃是維持數譜生態系統的基石。這是一個可擴展的專業發展模式,當中全面的 DECT 內容和學習管理系統可分別為教師提供相關支持。

學生展才計劃為學生提供在全球數字經濟中不可或缺的知識、技能和工具, 有助學生掌握在未來世界中出類拔萃的生存技能,脫穎而出。

Krystal OTP 包含所有辦公室軟件,有效提升日常工作效率和減輕營運成本,為當今多元化 的業務營運需求提供了完善解決方案。

一項綜合計劃,旨在為個人 和公⺠提供必要的數字能力和軟技能,以便在數字經濟中生存。為了在數字時代保持競爭力和繁榮,各國需要為其公⺠提供必要的知識、技能和工具。